Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Homelessness Essay - 559 Words

Homelessness in our society. The existence of homeless people in our society is still evident today. Everywhere you look around our cities, parks and streets it is likely that you will witness a homeless person struggling to survive. This is most certainly a social justice issue, every Australian deserves a secure and comfortable place to dwell, not left on the streets to perish. In society the rich get richer, and the poor get poorer. People today are far to driven by work and money to see the problem of homelessness surrounding them. Those very reasons explain why I chose this topic to create an advertising campaign. On the 23rd of June, 1987 the Hawke government promised us this. â€Å"For our next term, we are setting achievable†¦show more content†¦There are many aged Australians living in poverty. Homelessness is also a problem in Australias aged community. Statistics prove that over twenty thousand elderly Australians are at risk of becoming homeless, or already are homeless. War Veterans are also included in this number, and that equates to approximately two thousand, five hundred homeless War Veterans. Agencies such as the Supported Accommodation Assistance Program (SAAP) are set up to help get homeless people off the streets. Derived from the 1996 census, there was an estimated one hundred and five thousand homeless people across Australia. Twelve per cent or twelve thousand nine hundred homeless Australians use the SAAP. It is estimated that one hundred and sixteen thousand requests for SAAP could not be met by the organization alone. Indigenous people in the SAAP program made up fourteen per cent. This is a high rate, as Aboriginals make up two per cent of the Australian population. The target audience for my campaign is Australian adults living the high life. I am trying to appeal to these people, with the hope that they may begin to donate to organizations such as SAAP. It is a campaign to open the eyes of Australians to the reality of homelessness in our societies and communities. The full severity is not known to the Australian population. As you can see, more needs to be done about the prevalence of homelessness in our society. IShow MoreRelatedHomelessness : The Problem Of Homelessness1350 Words   |  6 PagesHomelessness There are many parts to the subject of homelessness, of course people talk about the solutions to it like The Ten Year Plan, then there is the history of it starting from the 1640’s. Also there is discussions about Homeless Shelters and more recently Anti-homeless Legislation. Then there are always the staggering statistics. The homeless is a very one minded topic for most. Most people think that the homeless should be helped, cared for, and educated for success. 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